Sofia Ulver speaks to large and small audiences about sociocultural trends in society and how these effect consumer culture , innovation, marketing, branding and globalization. her presentations aim to be both inspiring, entertaining, educative and thought-provoking.
Second, Sofia does commissioned research for actors who need an overview of the existing scientific research in various areas, and can lead new small or large empirical research projects for specific research questions.
Companies she has worked with in this way includes for example:
- Red Associates (Denmark)
- Sony Ericsson
- No Picnic
- Nine
- MIL Institute
- EFL Executive MBA
- Jordbruksverket
For more information and specific references please contact Sofia at
In addition she takes assignments involving panel debates, think-tanks, workshops, and “trend trips” .
In short, the services are:
- Speaking
- Research and Reports
- Think-tank participation
- Panel debate participation
- Workshop participation
- Seminar leader: e.g. future and scenario analyses.