Sofia Ulver

“The Changing Consumer Landscape”, Burenstamdagen, Stockholm

Speaking about what’s going on in the consumer cultural landscape, in the company of Henrik Mittelman and Alexander Bard among others. What’s bubbling and what’s not? What is the future consumer culture like in relation to investments and capital? The various talks during this day will result in a Burenstam edited anthology on trends in 2015.

“The Neogreen Movement”, SPP Sustainability Event, Stockholm

Speaking about the need to take seriously small, seemingly trivial, movements, as they can grow rapidly (for good and for bad). SPP (pension fund asset managers) take sustainability issues extremely seriously and work hard and diligently to create resonance throughout the industry and among their customers. Storebrand CEO Odd Arild Grefstad, SPP CEO Sarah McPhee, and SPP Director of Investment Staffan Hansén all held very inspiring and hope-infusing speeches about the need for sustainable investment. I’M A FAN!

“The Future Media Consumer”, Magazine Day, Oslo

Bonniers, Egmont, and Aller invited their customers for a great day with balloons, hors d’oeuvres, popcorn and drinks at the beautiful Egmont building in Oslo. I spoke about societal fragmentation, cooperative culture and the need for new ways to create “camp fire” moments for consumers.

“Rurbanization and The Neogreen Consumer”, 250 Möjligheter, Jönköping

Thisl conference problematizes urbanization as fact and discourse; that 250 of the Swedish municipalities are losing their young (18-25 years) inhabitants to the cities. Is this urbanization an inevitable and unstoppable fate inherent in a globalized market economy? Can we see other tendencies? This day I will talk about the “neogreen consumer” as an example of such tendencies. Even if s/he doesn’t stop the powerful forces of urbanization the neogreen consumer successively nuances and directs new positive attention towards rural and “rurban” life.