Sofia Ulver

På spaning efter status, Dagens Industri 26 Aug 2013

In this article Henrik Mittelman interviews me a summer day for Dagens Industri in the Abbekås fishing village harbor at the southern coast of Skåne. We talk about how the new economic system creates new status hierarchies in consumer culture, globally. In the new status structures endurance, solidarity, authenticity and collaboration are the new leading words.

Unfortunately I am not allowed to to publish the PDF of the article here but contact me if you want to see it.

Here are a couple of references to it:

Trendpspan: 50 nyanser av 2013, Sydsvenskan, 18 Aug 2013

“The taste of forrest is an enduring trend within fine dining says Sofia Ulver….”

The Sustainable Consumer- Kalmar Promotion 16 Aug 2013